
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jedi Power

After my surgery I did a lot of visualization, imagining my bone healing. It seemed to work because Dr. Healey called me a “good healer” and said my bone looked like it had healed faster than expected. (Yeah, I felt pretty powerful.) But that was my bone, a physical part of me. Once I heard that the two places where my bone had been cut had healed nicely, I stopped visualizing bone growth and started visualizing walking without a limp—visualizing a strong leg hiking and biking again. I should have stuck with the bone healing visions!

Now I have to envision screws screwing themselves back in place in the metal plates along my femur? Can I be that powerful? My friend suggested I get a really big magnet and hold it on one side of my leg and turn the magnet in circles, which would twist the screws back in place. I said it was a brilliant idea, minus the fact I have screws on both side of my femur, so securing one side would result in loosening the other. Bummer. Then he told me what I really needed was some Jedi power. That way I could just wave my hand over my leg and the screws would twist back into place. I think Jedi power is the way to go. That’d be sweet.

If anyone out there happens to have Jedi power, can you just use a little of it to put my hardware back in place so I don’t have to have another invasive surgery? THANKS! That’d be AWESOME!


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Brian Padian said...

i don't have jedi powers but i know a guy who's totally tight w/ them. i am putting in the call right now


At 8:38 PM, Blogger Bone-a-fide said...

Thank you! I'm so excited to have made a contact with someone who is a phone call away from jedi powers. Man, why did I have surgery in the first place? There's a good lesson: always call a jedi FIRST. Then see your doctor.


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