
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Privacy, be gone!

Okay, well I’ve already decided to dump this blog-being-anonymous idea. I should have known myself better—I’ve never been one to keep my own secrets. I mean, the first thing I did when I found out I had cancer was to write and perform a show about it. Right.

So here’s something about me: every morning I read one chapter from Shambala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior. This morning’s chapter was “Renunciation and Daring.” I had to laugh because the whole chapter is about dissolving your own privacy so you are more available to help others: “Renunciation is about making yourself more available, more gentle and open to others. Any hesitation about opening yourself to others is removed. For the sake of others, you renounce your privacy.” That pretty much sums it up. That said, I will still respect my family’s privacy, and will limit the blog to only discussing me and my recovery. (I will open a SECRET blog to dish about them! Ha ha! Oh wait, no…warrior path, warrior path.)

Another quote at the end of the chapter says, “By renouncing his private world, the warrior discovers a greater universe and a fuller and fuller broken heart.” I like that. Maybe a broken heart doesn’t sound like something to strive for, but in the path of the warrior it is. And if we’re honest with ourselves, we all have a broken heart. Broken heartedness means you are truly able to feel the sadness in the world, and it doesn’t make you depressed, it makes you tender and this tenderness gives birth to fearlessness.

Okay, maybe not so funny, but true.