
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Wii did my life go?

Some of you may be wondering where I’ve gone for the past few weeks. Well, the answer is both simple and terrifying: I’ve been consumed by Brian’s new Nintendo Wii system!!! Ah! How did this happen? I’m turning into my fiancé! I’m turning into a…a…video game addict!

Looking back at my last blog, I find today’s topic hilarious in comparison. So much for creating healthy habits—I am now the polar opposite of that cleansed, good-intentioned-yogi I was way back then.

After five years of living with Brian, and making fun of how many hours he fritters away playing video games, I am now addicted to Excite Truck. Seriously, it is SO fun. AND, frankly, I’m like, totally awesome at it. I beat the first Excite level in a few days, and I’m only three courses away from beating Super Excite. Yeah!

But, dude. I am like an addict because I can’t put it down even when it’s hurting me: my neck, hand, and shoulder are almost in worse condition after a week of Excite Truck than my last few months on crutches. There were a few times I didn’t stop for meals when I was hungry (the new Excite Diet, anyone?). And worst of all, as I worked upstairs in my office all week, I couldn’t stop thinking of Super Five-Star Tree Runs and Super Air and Super Drifts that awaited me downstairs. Instead of taking yoga breaks, I took Excite breaks. (Oh, the shame.)

Wii Sports is pretty fun too. You can play baseball, tennis, bowling, golf, and boxing. You stand and swing the controller just like you would a bat, ball, club, or punch. It’s PHYSICALLY CHALLENGING without leaving your home or getting dirty or connecting with nature or people. I put Tiger Balm on my biceps after the first night of trying out all the games. (More shame.)

Bowling is the best, because you can have friends over to bowl in the privacy of your own home, with no smelly rental shoes! (But be careful—one friend slipped on our hard wood floors and hurt her back—eek! Might we need Wiinsurance?) The one way I can justify playing the sports games, is that it was good PT for my leg. Those batting, golfing, tennis and boxing stances are just like doing squats, but fun!



At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Video games are the new yoga!


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Megora said...

Um, have you considered sending this particular blog to the people at Wii so they can now act as a true sponsor or your blog?


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