
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Random snow thoughts

It's so snowy here! AGAIN! We are having our second blizzard in one week. I love that snow can cause a State of Emergency--two of them in one week, in fact. It's inconvenient that I don't own boots or an appropriate winter coat and that I have to stay inside, but it's lovely in that it's beautiful, I have enough food to survive, and it gives me an excuse to stay inside.

The good news is, I've curbed my video game playing. The mania lasted two weeks, and now I can enjoy a healthy dose, without it being all-consuming. Phew. (I was scared there for a while.) However, now ALL I want to do is sit on the couch, or in the bay window, and stare out at the snow. Despite my lazy desires, I've made myself do my yoga practice and PT daily, and, of course, that work thing. The one thing about working from home during a state of emergency is that you don't get a snow day from work. Boo. (Sadly, Brian also missed out on the snow day today, because he's only ten blocks from work...but don't worry, he's bitter about it.)

I'm feeling a lot stronger--my limp is less severe--and I'm finding I have the inclination to move about without reaching for my cane first, which is exciting. It was weird at, oh no! I'm walking without my cane! My leg might collapse! But of course, it didn't. Which is pretty sweet.

My mom flew into town for Christmas (from California, and boy-oh-boy she could not stop talking about there are NO blizzards in California). We joined Brian's family in their Christmas Eve celebration. His step-brother and step-sister have two kids each, and they are about the four cutest, sweetest children EVER! I really can't believe how smiley and sweet they are. If I could gaurantee our children would turn out like that, I wouldn't fear having kids so much. (Don't get excited mom--the point is, I CAN'T get a gaurantee!) Speaking of adorable babies, on Tuesday, Brian and I went out with friends and one of our friends brought along his fourteen-month old boy. Who is ALSO one of the cutest children ever born. (It's like a conspiracy to trick me or something.) But the reason I mention this little guy is because I noticed as he was waddling around, that he walks just like me!!! Ha! (Have I mentioned how weird it is being 29 and learning how to walk again?)

We got a lot of nice gifts from our family. My mom got me the COOLEST meditation chair, called the wandering monk, made with green silk fabric, embroidered with dragonflies. It's so beautiful, and it has changed my meditation life, just as I suspected it would. I will find inner peace in 2007, and all because of my pretty new chair!

I could use the inner peace, because, frankly, I'm recovering from some pretty traumatic family events that took place last week. Things got resolved somewhat the day before Christmas Eve, but the week prior was a living hell. Last week's blizzard came with fear and despair; this week's blizzard brings peace and calm and the hope of the new year. That's what's amazing about life: this week is nothing like last week. You recover and move on.

Enjoy the snow.


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