Vote! (On my life)

#1. I know they're similar, but which Men in Trees star should I style my next hair cut after?:
A: Return to my Justine Bateman style
B: Go with the slightly fullerAnne Heche look
C: None of the above
#2. Right now I'm doing too much. So my question to you is: based on what you know about me, what should I focus on? (Or said another way, what should I be when I grow up!?!):
A: Finish writing my young adult novel
B: Improviser and workshop teacher
C: Start my own yoga business
D: Stick to what I'm doing 4FR
C: Start my own yoga business
D: Stick to what I'm doing 4FR
E: Some combo of the above
F: All of the above
G: None of the above; instead I should be _____________
#3. What SUPER FUN thing should I do this weekend?:
A: My taxes
B: FINALLY take care of my wedding dress
C: Clean out the closets and donate my old clothes
F: All of the above
G: None of the above; instead I should be _____________
#3. What SUPER FUN thing should I do this weekend?:
A: My taxes
B: FINALLY take care of my wedding dress
C: Clean out the closets and donate my old clothes
Go for Anne Heche look.
Stay with what's stable and keep your affirmations going for long term focus of your goals.
Do your taxes. The 15th is around the corner. Once done go for a bike ride and rejoice in your decisions and accomplishments. Love, Mom
1. Ooo, my instinct was Anne Heche. But then, I just loved you Bateman cut--very hip. So I say go shorter and hipper, lady. Spring is around the corner after all!
2. For this one I need to know how went the 4-days-a-week discussion at work. Then I will weigh in. But by all means, attempt to become American's Next Top Model.
3. Do the taxes--refund, baby!!! That's one government check closer to leavin' behind the day job eventually.
Bangs make a person usually look how about something totally out of the ordinary? No shorter than shoulder..summer is coming you need the pull back pony tail legnth. Jobs..What do you enjoy the most?You are already funny Sara and have a great personality in my mind improv is second nature to you and yoga would be good everyday stress relief and also good excersize but having a check every week is a must so all of the above ha!Just limit your time so you are not overloading yourself. TAXES $$$$,Cleaning closets are a thorn until they are done but it will make you feel more organized!Plus it is pring time so after they are done you will be able to tackle other task's so much better !So my advise is ..sleep late go to a show ,eat your favorite meal, and make a baby and enjoy! Love you sweet Sara !!!! xoxo Deb
Oooh! I love quizzes! This one says I have a vata imbalance.
Wait! No. Wrong quiz.
I got B, E (B&C), A. You should really only weigh in my opinion for questions 1 and 3 though.
Fun fun fun!
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