
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Monday, August 21, 2006


NOTE: I’ve finally figured out how to change the comments section so now anyone can post a comment even without a blogger account. (I am sooo techno-savvy.)

B and I had a nice weekend at his family’s house in the mountains. It’s beautiful there! That mountain-pine smell (especially after a little rain) is my favorite. Sitting on the porch overlooking the mountains, the lake, the shimmering aspen, I had time to reflect on the positive. What I’ve failed to highlight so far is that the x-ray didn’t show any signs of the tumor being back. So, really, that’s fantastic news, right?

Also, spinning off of sknu’s poem about crutches (which you can read in the comments on Things That Are Puffier Than My Knee post), here are some other things crutches are handy for:
1. closing cabinets doors (go, go gadget crutch!)
2. dragging shoes and socks closer to where you’re sitting
3. turning the printer on and off without having to get up
4. turning light switches on and off without moving your bum
5. stopping elevator doors from shutting without risking your limbs (but I warn you, if you do this really swiftly and efficiently, you may scare your elevator neighbors)
6. getting out of vacuuming, sweeping, taking out the garbage, and many, many other chores (yeah!)

Hm, looking at this list, it looks like crutches support all-around laziness!

Some other positive things in my life, in case you thought I forgot: I have a good job with an understanding boss so I’ve been able to work from home and earn a paycheck throughout all this; a wonderful, adoring, fiancé who keeps me laughing; a super mom; extremely awesome friends and family who are loving and supportive and help me keep my head on straight; the fact that I’ve met some really cool (and inspiring) people since starting this blog last week.

Okay, now I have to call my doctors and see if they’ve swapped info yet…


At 9:29 AM, Blogger Megora said...

For your list of crutch uses...

7. Over dramatic gesturing
8. Future pirate costume

And I'm sure there's some clever bedroom use for those suckers, eh...?

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made it so anyone can write you comments. I've been frustrated. I've found your words incredibly enjoyable to read. Read part of the blog about the "broken heart" to one of my students today. We both got chills.


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