
Brian and I are starting our new show tonight at the Bovine Metropolis Theater. I’m excited. It’s called Battle Royale, where two long-form improv teams go head to head. The audience votes on which performance they liked best and that team returns the following week to defend their title! Brian and I are the co-hosts. The nice thing about hosting, is you can do it on crutches.
Which isn't to say one can only host improv while on the walking sticks. I have done a few improv shows on crutches and while it limits me in certain ways, last week I learned it adds in other ways…as in ready-to-go PROPS! Last week we played at The Bovine and I learned having crutches makes for a perfect jousting scene. There was a rolling chair on stage and I sat down with one crutch sticking out like a joust while Brian rolled me across the stage at Tim, who was holding my other crutch, but lamely sitting in a non-rolling chair. (I won. No one was injured.) I still giggle thinking about crutch-jousting. Wish I could do it every day. Maybe I’ll start a tournament with other bored walking-assisted folks!
Sara, Lady Knight
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