What’d you do?

I’m curious how other cancer survivors out there respond—or responded—to people when they saw your bandage/ sling/ crutches/ etc., and said, “WHAT’D YOU DO?” I’ve have been asked this question SO many times over the past eight months, and I find it a funny question to respond to. I find it especially amusing now that I’m back in Colorado because I'm pretty sure people are thinking I was involved in some X-treme sporting accident. They almost always ask--with a smirk on their face--like they know the answer already (skiing, mountain biking, off-road unicycling, etc.). I’ve never been comfortable making up a pretend story, like,
Oh, you know, I got caught in a rockslide in Tasmania while trying to befriend a family of wombats.
I was attempting to be the first person to land a triple back-flip while juggling wombats, and it didn’t go so well—those suckers are feisty!
I was attacked at night by a band of marauding wombats.
But I never say any of these things. Sometimes I say, “Well, actually…” (always starting casual-like to ease in) “I had bone cancer removed from my leg…” (and then adding quickly) “…but they got it, and I’m all better now!!!” (big smile). A couple times when I didn’t add the cushion of casualness and the all-better-now assurance, I felt unsettled by the person’s visible shock and discomfort. I mean, I’m young and healthy looking; they were waiting for a great X-treme sport story and I blast them with BONE CANCER.
Now, when I’m feeling too lazy to tell the whole truth, I just say, “Oh, I had surgery.” And somehow, I’ve never been pressed on that answer. It’s nice and easy and we all feel better for it.
I don’t know. Should I stick to the truth or start using my wombat stories?
What do you say about your visible signs of healing?
I can't believe you'd even wonder if you should tell the truth when you could otherwise involve wombats in some way!! Don't even hesitate...wombat away!!
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