
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

This is what I feel like right now...

(If you can't see the image, click on the white box and it should pop-up)

This puppy looks how I feel. Why, you ask? Okay, sure, I'll tell you...

FIRST: I paid $43 dollars for an iced vanilla latte today. You might be thinking that's a mighty hefty price to pay for a caffeine buzz, and I'd have to agree with you. Let’s break it down:
$1 for the organic 12oz milk I bought to put in the coffee
$2 for the iced Americano with vanilla
$40 for the parking ticket I got because I:
  1. Needed to get out of our apartment because it is so hot I feel like a South American Sloth when I’m in it.
  2. There were no parking spots available in the coffee shop’s itty-bitty parking lot.
  3. I was eight, yes, a mere eight minutes late getting back to my car because I misestimated the time it would take to pack up my stuff and get back to the car in my sloth-moving state.
  4. The Denver parking meter police need some other crime to help stop so they don’t have to prey on slow-moving people with crutches who can’t add and subtract minutes properly.

(And yes, I'm just as suprised as you that I've gotten TWO parking tickets since starting this blog just a little over a week ago. I haven't received a ticket since B and I first moved back in May, and then BAM, two in one blogging week.)

SECOND: My muscles itch from being back on crutches again and all I want to do is flop down in exhaustion with my belly up like this little fella. (oh-my-gosh-isn’t-he-adORable!)

THIRD: After the long week of waiting and all my dramatic philosophizing, Dr. Kelly (who I will admit was much more personable and reasonable today) told me she that she can only guess that there is a small fracture (no mention of the word "catastrophic"--hooray!) but would not be able to tell me more without going in. Therefore, my best bet is to wait to hear from Dr. Healey, since he was actually in there before. (More waiting.) So I’m still in the same place: I might need further surgery, or I might just have to stay on crutches for many more months until the bone and/or fracture heal.

So, without further ado, I’m going to On Demand the first two episodes of the second season of Weeds right now, toast some organic pizza pockets, sip my all-natural raspberry ginger ale, and relax, belly (and leg) up. Ahhhh….


At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, parking tickets *really* make me mad, so don't even get me started!!! Oh, and that muscle itch, the muscle itch!!! I still get that in my armpit (sorry so gross) because my shoulder doesn't see much muscle action these days. I can only imagine the itch you have. UGH! scratch those pits! hahaha.

And now, welcome to the "watch and wait" world, where a bunch of us limb salvagers sit around and wonder what the heck is really going on with our bodies. Around here, we have comfy chairs, but many of us end up on the floor for various reasons, or propped on each other like bean bags. We do massages all around and talk about nearly anything and everything. :-)

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Bone-a-fide said...

Ha. (Pit-itch.)

And oh no! I'm now part of another club I didn't mean to sign up for--"the wait and watch" club. At least there are cool people in the club. Now all I need is a comfy chair...

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