Props in the HOUSE!
Ohmygosh. I'm so excited. I finally have the yoga props I've been wanting 4-F-R. Since I went through my teacher training a few years ago and learned the pleasure of props (like being swaddled like a baby!) I've been wanting blocks, balls, bolsters...all of it, but felt like I shouldn't buy them because yoga is the opposite of consumerism. But now that I have space in our house, and will start teaching a restorative yoga class in a week--a class that depends largely on props, I thought f*#k it, I'm buying props. And I'm soooo glad I caved.
I bought:
A junior bolster in sage green--all the better to do Supta Baddha Konasana and Svasana with.

A big ball--oh so helpul in easing back into backbends after a year of walking around stiffly on crutches.

Bamboo blocks--peaceful and supportive in a variety of delightful poses, my favorite being legs-up-the-wall.

And finally, a strap. A real, eight-foot strap, after fussing around with the short piece of crappy strap I've been using for two years. It was only $10, why did I wait for so long for a real strap? Silly.

Here's to a peaceful, more flexibile, supported, propped-out me!
I didn't know you were trained as a yoga instructor! How fun! I've been doing my own versions from books for YEARS but have never made it to a class (mostly due to them being unavailable in the horrible places I've lived). Congratulations on all the new toys!
First, could you and Aubrey PLEASE hang out in person soon!!! I think it is absolutely imperative to my happiness (and yours).
Second, I wanted to comment on your statement that you could have bought a strap for $10, why did you wait...I do this ALL the time. For instance, I like to cook. More specifically I like to bake. And yet, for 2 years I have been baking using a quarter cup and a 1/3 cup. I have no other size of measuring cup. And while I certainly considered buying a full set, I thought "Nah, I might move soon. Plus, do I really NEED one more thing? I seem to be getting along fine with just these two." So dumb. Just imagine for a moment what it looks like to make muffins. 2/3 cup of this here, 3/4 cup of that. No big deal. But when I'd have to pour in 3 cups of flour I was measuring out 9 third cups of the stuff. Insanity! So I broke down recently and said "you know, I can have this thing. It's useful. I DO use it. And I can always find a happy home for it should I move and not take it with me."
I know this comment is long. But I think that line between over-consuming and skimping on yourself can be tricky.
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