Extra credit

The whole thing was so discouraging and embarassing. Especially because Brian had run a half-marathon up Mt. Evans that morning. It was a run that started at 10,000 feet and increased in elevation to 14,000 feet over fourteen miles!!! THAT is hard. THAT is something that might require someone coming along and saving your sorry butt. But no, me, little miss bike-ride-at-normal-elevation had to get rescued by the mountain-marathon-man.
I kind of beat myself up all weekend over that one. Then, on my way to teach yoga tonight, I thought, "Wait a second...they said I'd never be ABLE to bend my leg as far as can or ride a bike again. Even if it wasn't pretty, at least I got on that bike." Extra credit for Sara.
So that's my challenge to you: what do you beat yourself up about that you should actually be giving yourself credit for?" I say, give yourself a break this week for something. Anything. Let go of your expectations of who you should be, and be grateful for who you are.
Yay you! Yay us!
In Team Sarcoma 2007 fundraising news: More donations are coming in. (Thank you so much, Diana!) To help me in my quest, please click here. Or, if you're a friend or family member and know my mailing address, you can write a check out to "FJC" and mail it to me. Thank you for your support!
You should also get credit for sending me yoga poses in the mail. :-) I chose a few that looked easy and painless tonight, and it was very relaxing. Thank you, thank you!!!
Please, oh please, listen to that body of yours. It has done so well at healing itself. Hugs and cheers for you.
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