30 going on 17

It’s not lost on me that as I’m careening towards my 31st birthday, I feel much the same as I did in high school when I was involved in drama club, speech team, backstage crew, comedy troupe, and performing in whatever play was being produced at the moment. I clearly remember the meeting I had my senior year with my mom and guidance counselor, where they sat me down and said I had to give up something. But the only thing I wanted to give up was the academic part of school! (Apparently, THAT wasn’t an option…harrumph.) Here I am again, not wanting to give up any of the improv groups or projects I’m involved in, and clearly can’t abandon the whole getting-a-paycheck-and-health-care part of life. Why do I have to relearn the same lessons in life?
I need to have a talk with my inner-guidance counselor, stat!
Truthfully, I wish I was the kind of person (like my husband) who could just HANDLE and feel ENERGIZED by the full schedule, instead of feeling drained by it. That would be the most ideal solution, but until I find a way to change my intrinsic self, I’m going to have to take a rest.
In exciting news, I bought myself a bike-trainer for Christmas. Now I ride my lovely road bike in the warmth and comfort of my living room while listening to Bloc Party or re-watching episodes of Arrested Development. Yeah! That at least adds a healthy balance to my overloaded schedule.