My husband, the SUPERSTAR

I couldn't be more proud.
This weekend Brian and I both shot a pilot in Denver where we played improvised characters. It was super fun, and would be even more fun if the show actually gets picked up and our little parts are aired. Then, immediately following “the shoot,” we jettisoned Brian off to LA so he could shoot a short film where he got to play this suave game show host! It was a Rockstar weekend for him.
It’s been a creatively exciting month all-around for us (I went to a writing conference a few weeks ago, pitched my young adult novel to an agent and she requested the first chapter, which was nice encouragement). Brian has been getting more and more paid gigs, and in June I’ll start teaching a workshop with my friend Pam called “Transform Your Improv,” which Brian is coordinating through the Bovine. I’m really excited for it.
In case you’re wondering about the mustache-status, in a misguided moment, I actually encouraged Brian to keep this mustache for one work day…it’s going to be a long day of mustache jokes for everyone...
COOL COOL COOL !!!!!! I think you both are superstars and my fingers are crossed.See you soon xoxoxo
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