
True tales of life after bone cancer.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


July was a flurry of hard work, fun, and some beautiful gifts:

#1. The “Night of Tumorous Comedy to Benefit Sarcoma” show at the Bovine Metropolis Theatre on July 22nd was a great success. We had a nearly-sold-out theater and raised almost $1,000 for the Liddy Shriver international Team Sarcoma Initiative. The first hour of the show featured interweaving monologues by three survivors, including Pam Farone (skin cancer), and Betsy Vajtay (brain tumor), and me (chondrosarcoma). The second half was improv from the Gypsy Cab Co., followed by a reception. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the effort! I think it was a great night entertainment and connection.

#2. Two weeks before the benefit show my co-workers surprised me with the gift of sending me to the Lighthouse Writers Retreat in Grand Lake. I was stunned (still am, really) by their kindness and generosity. I’m so thankful because I was able to spend a week in beautiful Grand Lake hiking, writing, learning, being inspired, and meeting cool and talented writer-people. Pretty much the best vacation recipe ever.

#3. I officially finished my book! Like, submitted-the-requested-full-manuscript official. Please send out good thoughts that I get matched with the perfect agent for my book!

#4. Off to New York City next week for my annual check-up (yes the crazy dreams have begun), and 4-days in the Catskills.